Literary Stage of the Csepel Workers’ Community House

created by Orsolya Ring and Balázs Kalmár

Fotó: Fortepan

We researched the Literary Stage of the Csepel Workers’ Community House during the period led by community worker and director, Hunor Bucz. So far, according to our traces, the company operated under this name, under his leadership. It was founded in 1969 and from the spring of 1970 it was known as the Literary Stage. Between 1969 and 1975, the group performed not only in the Workers’ Community House, but also in various cultural centres in the surrounding districts. Presumably because of the emerging tensions with their home institution, the company was transferred to the District 12 in Budapest.

See the productions, the interviews and the reference list  here: 

Csepeli Munkásotthon Irodalmi Színpada