National Presentation Stage

created by Gabriella Schuller


Fotó: XZ

The Országos Bemutató Színpad (National Presentation Stage) was established in December 1967 under the direction of the Népművelési Intézet (Institute for People’s Cultural Education). Its declared goal was to provide a forum for all amateur theatres without restrictions in terms of genre or form. The performances were followed by post-show discussions led by professionals. These were initially held in the building of the Institute for People’s Cultural Education in Corvin Square, Budapest. From 1969 performances and post-show discussions  were also held in the countryside. From 1971 onwards, in parallel with the birth of Speak Beautiful Words! contest, the National Presentation Stage ceased to exist, but it is referred to in articles as an important antecedent.

See the productions, the interviews and the  reference list  here:

Országos Bemutató Színpad